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Commune/Paroisse : Saint-Hubert [Luxembourg]
Patronyme : BAY
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Tri : | Dates | Prénoms | Père | Mère |
1. | 1804 | BAY Jean Joseph | BAY Gilles | MARTIN Jeanne Marie |
2. | 1808 | BAY Anne Josèphe | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
3. | 1810 | BAY Théodore | BAY Gilles | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
4. | 1812 | BAY Catherine Josèphe | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
5. | 1813 | BAY Marie Augustine | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
6. | 1813 | BAY Marie Jeanne | BAY Catherine | |
7. | 1816 | BAY Catherine Josèphe | BAY Gilles | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
8. | 1820 | BAY Joseph | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
9. | 1823 | BAY Marie Catherine | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
10. | 1826 | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
11. | 1827 | BAY Marie Joséphine | BAY Pierre | DAVID Marie Jeanne Josephe |
12. | 1828 | BAY Jeanne | BAY Gilles Joseph | STOZ Marie Josèphe |
13. | 1835 | BAY Marie Barbe | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
14. | 1836 | BAY Marie Catherine Flore | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
15. | 1839 | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
16. | 1842 | BAY Célestin Joseph | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
17. | 1842 | BAY Marie Catherine | BAY Augustine | |
18. | 1843 | BAY Adélaide | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
19. | 1844 | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Joseph | LABIOUSE Adélaide |
20. | 1846 | BAY Alexis Joseph | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
21. | 1847 | BAY Alfred Joseph | BAY Joseph | LABIOUSE Adélaide |
22. | 1849 | BAY Ernestine | BAY Théodore | GILLARD Hubertine |
23. | 1850 | BAY Joseph | BAY Joseph | LABIOUSE Adélaide |
24. | 1851 | BAY Emilienne | BAY Henri Joseph | DEVAUX Joséphine |
25. | 1853 | BAY Emilienne | BAY Henri Joseph | DEVAUX Joséphine |
26. | 1857 | BAY Marie Catherine | BAY Henri Joseph | DEVAUX Joséphine |
27. | 1863 | BAY Maria Léonie | BAY Auguste Joseph | LEGRAND Marie Josèphe |
28. | 1864 | BAY Godefroid Joseph | BAY Auguste Joseph | LEGRAND Marie Josèphe |
29. | 1865 | BAY Pauline | BAY Henri Joseph | GILLARD Adélaide |
30. | 1866 | BAY Adelin Joseph | BAY Auguste Joseph | LEGRAND Marie Josèphe |
31. | 1867 | BAY Jacques | BAY Henri Joseph | GILLARD Adélaide |
32. | 1868 | BAY Alfred Lucien | BAY Auguste Joseph | LEGRAND Marie Josèphe |
33. | 1871 | BAY Hubert Léon | BAY Auguste Joseph | LEGRAND Marie Josèphe |
34. | 1872 | BAY Emile | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
35. | 1873 | BAY Marie | BAY Alfred Joseph | TITEUX Marie Josèphe Justine |
36. | 1874 | BAY Joseph | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
37. | 1875 | BAY Adelin | BAY Alfred Joseph | TITEUX Marie Josèphe Justine |
38. | 1876 | BAY Ida | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
39. | 1878 | BAY Florence | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
40. | 1879 | BAY Adelin | BAY Alfred Joseph | TITEUX Marie Josèphe Justine |
41. | 1882 | BAY Alphonse | BAY Joseph | STOZ Joséphine |
42. | 1883 | BAY Paul Camille | BAY Alexis Joseph | BIRON Thérèse |
43. | 1883 | BAY Zoé | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
44. | 1884 | BAY Léon | BAY Henri Joseph | GILLARD Adélaïde |
45. | 1885 | BAY Fernand | BAY Alexis Joseph | BIRON Thérèse |
46. | 1885 | BAY Julien Constant | BAY Joseph | STOZ Joséphine |
47. | 1885 | BAY Victor | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
48. | 1886 | BAY Julia | BAY Henri Joseph | GILLARD Adélaïde |
49. | 1887 | BAY Laure Pélagie | BAY Alexis Joseph | BIRON Thérèse |
50. | 1888 | BAY Appoline | BAY Joseph | STOZ Joséphine |
51. | 1888 | BAY Camille | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
52. | 1890 | BAY Constant | BAY Alexis Joseph | BIRON Thérèse |
53. | 1890 | BAY Marie Alphonsine Mélanie | BAY Adelin Joseph | MONHONVAL Marie Mélanie |
54. | 1891 | BAY Clémence Alfrédine | MONHONVAL Marie Mélanie | |
55. | 1891 | BAY Hubert Joseph | BAY Joseph | STOZ Joséphine |
56. | 1892 | BAY Clara Eugènie Léontine | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
57. | 1892 | BAY Georges | BAY Henri Joseph | BAY Ernestine |
58. | 1892 | BAY Henri Léon | BAY Adelin Joseph | MONHONVAL Marie Mélanie |
59. | 1893 | BAY Germaine Henriette Ernestine | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
60. | 1894 | BAY Joseph Alphonse | BAY Adelin Joseph | MONHONVAL Marie Mélanie |
61. | 1894 | BAY Marie Appoline | BAY Victor Auguste | ETIENNE Marie Joseph Sophie |
62. | 1895 | BAY Désiré Hubert | BAY Marie | |
63. | 1895 | BAY Irma Renée | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
64. | 1897 | BAY Léon Auguste Joseph | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Léona |
65. | 1900 | BAY Anna Joséphine Marie | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léonie |
66. | 1900 | BAY Augustine Léonie Marie | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
67. | 1900 | BAY Joseph Emile | BAY Emile | MADANT Adolphine Henriette Thérèse |
68. | 1904 | BAY Hubert Ernest | BAY Emile | MADANT Adolphine Henriette Thérèse |
69. | 1905 | BAY Henriette | BAY Adelin | FÉLIX Flore |
70. | 1905 | BAY Victorine | BAY Paul Camille | COLLIN Flore |
71. | 1906 | BAY Marie Emilie | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
72. | 1907 | BAY Joseph Hubert | BAY Julien Constant | GOOSSE Marie Catherine |
73. | 1908 | BAY Appolinne | BAY Alphonse | DEVAUX Jeanne |
74. | 1908 | BAY Auguste Henri | BAY Léon | TITEUX Léa |
75. | 1908 | BAY Ernest Nicolas | BAY Camille | PIERRE Rosine |
76. | 1908 | BAY Hubert Joseph | BAY Paul Camille | COLLIN Flore |
77. | 1908 | BAY Jérome Alfred Marcel | BAY Emile | MADANT Adolphine Henriette Thérèse |
78. | 1908 | BAY Joseph | BAY Joseph | TITEUX Virginie Célestine |
79. | 1908 | BAY Marcelle Emma | BAY Victor | KOOB Marie Jeanne Adélaide |
80. | 1909 | BAY Augustine Justine | BAY Adelin | FÉLIX Flore |
81. | 1909 | BAY Denise Marie Juliette | BAY Jacques | HUBERTY Joséphine Léona |
82. | 1909 | BAY François Joseph | BAY Alphonse | DEVAUX Jeanne |
83. | 1910 | BAY Marie Josée | BAY Clara Eugènie Léontine | |
84. | 1910 | BAY Marie Rosalie | BAY Léon | TITEUX Léa |
85. | 1910 | BAY Mariette Camille | BAY Victor | KOOB Jeanne Adélaide |
86. | 1911 | BAY Emilie Hubertine | BAY Alphonse | DEVAUX Jeanne |
87. | 1911 | BAY Joséphine Hubertine | BAY Julien Constant | GOOSSE Marie Catherine |
88. | 1911 | BAY Justine | BAY Adelin | FÉLIX Flore |
89. | 1911 | BAY Nestor Léon | BAY Emile | MADANT Adolphine Henriette Thérèse |
90. | 1912 | BAY Ghislaine Jeanne | BAY Jean Baptiste | CHARDOME Marie Mélanie |
91. | 1912 | BAY Jeanne Marie | BAY Paul Camille | COLLIN Flore |
92. | 1912 | BAY Joséphine Ernestine Adélaide | BAY Victor | KOOB Marie Jeanne Adélaide |
93. | 1913 | BAY Ernestine | BAY Georges | KOOB Emma Marcelle |
94. | 1913 | BAY Alfred Emile | BAY Adelin | FÉLIX FLORE |
95. | 1913 | BAY Henri Alexandre | BAY Léon | TITEUX Léa |
96. | 1913 | BAY Fernande Louise | BAY Fernand | DORY Marguerite Philomène Joseph |
97. | 1913 | BAY Mariette Marie | BAY Alphonse | DEVAUX Jeanne |
98. | 1915 | BAY Albert Nestor Maximilien | BAY Emile | MADANT Adolphine Henriette Thér-Se |
99. | 1915 | BAY Paul Hubert | BAY Adelin | FÉLIX Flore |
100. | 1915 | BAY Victorine | BAY Camille | COLLIN Flore |
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