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Visualisation d'actes d'Etat-Civil de la Région FAMENNE-ARDENNES Lire les Conditions d'accès sur cette page Lien vers GenWalBru |
Commune/Paroisse : ATHUS [Luxembourg]
Année : 1897
Tri : | Dates | Patronymes | Père | Mère |
1. | 1897 | AREND Sidonie Marguerite | AREND Pierre | SCHEER Virginie Marie |
2. | 1897 | AREND Germaine | AREND Nicolas | ROSSIGNON Ernestine |
3. | 1897 | AREND Charles | AREND Jean Pierre | ROBERT Catherine |
4. | 1897 | BARODAT Jean Baptiste | BARODAT Massole Giovanni | WATHELET Florence |
5. | 1897 | BERG Joseph Nicolas | BERG Théodore | SADELER Susanne |
6. | 1897 | BLAISE Maria Léopoldine | BLAISE Florentin | DELHASE Eugénie |
7. | 1897 | BODELET Armand Joseph | BODELET Constant | KALBERT Sylvie |
8. | 1897 | BREMER Alexandre | BREMER Alexandre | MEDERCORN Marie |
9. | 1897 | BRIES Martin | BRIES Philippe | POLFER Delphine |
10. | 1897 | BROSUIS Constant Mathias | BROSUIS Dominique | PEIFFER Marie |
11. | 1897 | CORDONNIER Nicolas Joseph | CORDONNIER Nicolas | VANDEVEN Marie |
12. | 1897 | COURANGE Emile François | COURANGE Jean | SCHILTZ Elisa |
13. | 1897 | CUVELIER Jules | CUVELIER Henri | BERNARD Eugénie |
14. | 1897 | DANIEL Hector | DANIEL Gustave | LAMBOTTE Marie Augustine |
15. | 1897 | DECKER Antoine | DECKER Nicolas | DECKER Anna |
16. | 1897 | DEHART Clara | DEHART Thomas | SAVENER Jeanne |
17. | 1897 | DEHART Antoine | DEHART Joseph | DIEDERICH Marie |
18. | 1897 | DESCHAMP Mélanie | DESCHAMP Charles | LOUIS Marie |
19. | 1897 | DUFOUR Catherine Joséphine | DUFOUR Louis | CLEMENT Marie |
20. | 1897 | ENGELBERT Jean Pierre | ENGELBERT Antoine | MICHEL Marie |
21. | 1897 | ENSCH Edouard Justin | ENSCH Nicolas | LAFONTAINE Julie |
22. | 1897 | ETIENNE Emilie Catherine | ETIENNE Léon | BINET Jeanne |
23. | 1897 | ETIENNE Marie | ETIENNE Pierre | MASSUT Emilia |
24. | 1897 | FOUCART Anna | FOUCART Victor | CARELS Marie |
25. | 1897 | GERARD Charles Octave | GERARD Jean Joseph | CLAUDY Marie |
26. | 1897 | GORGEL Anna | GORGEL Jean | HOUCKSCHLAG Mina |
27. | 1897 | GRATIA Elise | GRATIA Dominique | LOESCHES Catherine |
28. | 1897 | HANZIR Catherine Marie | HANZIR Joseph | BURTON Thérèse |
29. | 1897 | JACOB Marie Laure | JACOB Lucien | BOUVY Séraphine |
30. | 1897 | JACOB Ernest Florimont | JACOB Ernest | GOFFETTE Marie Eugénie |
31. | 1897 | KLEE Céline | KLEE Laurent | BUBERICH Jeanne |
32. | 1897 | KOERPERICH Lucien Joseph | KOERPERICH Victor | MEYERS Anne |
33. | 1897 | LANNERS Antoine | LANNERS Nicolas | NEY Anna |
34. | 1897 | LAVRYS Georges Dominique Julien Joseph | LAVRYS Joseph | OESTREICHER Catherine |
35. | 1897 | LEVILLAIN Dina | LEVILLAIN Auguste | PREAT Mathilde |
36. | 1897 | LHOIR Emilie Mathilde | LHOIR Clément | BROUILLARD Véronique |
37. | 1897 | LICHTENBERGER Emile | LICHTENBERGER Joseph | SERONT Elisabeth |
38. | 1897 | LOTT Anna Marie Madeleine | LOTT Frédéric | WEYLER Louise |
39. | 1897 | LUTTIG Jean Pierre | LUTTIG Martin | WALSDORF Marguerite |
40. | 1897 | MAQUOY Antoine Joseph | MAQUOY Joseph | SADELER Marguerite |
41. | 1897 | MARTINY Marguerite | MARTINY Jean Baptiste | BODELET Marie |
42. | 1897 | MASSART Emile François | MASSART Jules | RODES Léonie |
43. | 1897 | MASSART Julia Maria | MASSART Elie | WARNY Marie |
44. | 1897 | MICHEL Henry Joseph | MICHEL Martin Joseph | MERENNE Marie Rosalie |
45. | 1897 | MOMBLUET Maria Elise | MOMBLUET Emile | BARZIN Elise |
46. | 1897 | MULLER Bertha | MULLER Jean Emile | PENIN Henriette |
47. | 1897 | NADIN Marie Louise | NADIN Adrien | GERARDY Marie Louise |
48. | 1897 | PARRASCH Henry | PARRASCH Michel | DELTHERE Catherine |
49. | 1897 | PARZENHEIM Joséphine | PARZENHEIM Nicolas Joseph | LÉONARDY Hélène |
50. | 1897 | PAUL Emile | PAUL Vincent | WAGNER Anna |
51. | 1897 | PERBAL Joséphine | PERBAL Joseph | WEYLAND Catherine |
52. | 1897 | PETIT Jeanne | PETIT Emile | BLANCHE Marie Madeleine |
53. | 1897 | PLIER Camille Joseph | PLIER Etienne | ANDRIANNE Antonie |
54. | 1897 | PLUN Virginie | PLUN Constant | HARTZ Anna |
55. | 1897 | QUADEN Albert Xavier | QUADEN Jules | ARRASSE Albertine |
56. | 1897 | REHLINGERE Emile | REHLINGERE Jean Pierre | BERNARD Anna |
57. | 1897 | ROBERT Nicolas | ROBERT Jean Baptiste | MICHEL Elisabeth |
58. | 1897 | ROBERT Juliette | ROBERT Nicolas | STROUVENACKER Marie |
59. | 1897 | ROSSEL Catherine | ROSSEL Jean Baptiste | BELTGEN Gertrude |
60. | 1897 | SADELER Marie | SADELER Jean | SCHILTZ Madeleine |
61. | 1897 | SADELER Nicolas | SADELER Joseph | LIEGEOIS Catherine |
62. | 1897 | SAMUEL Henri Félicien | SAMUEL Camille | HOCQUET Susanne |
63. | 1897 | SCHLUCH Mathias | SCHLUCH Nicolas | BRICK Marie |
64. | 1897 | SCHROEDER Jean | SCHROEDER Cherles | HOPP Catherine |
65. | 1897 | STEINFORT Arthur | STEINFORT Guillaume | CORIGNON Marie |
66. | 1897 | THIRY Louise | THIRY Jean Baptiste | KRAEMER Catherine |
67. | 1897 | TOCK Oscar Henri Victor Georges | TOCK Arsène | GRATIA Henriette |
68. | 1897 | URBING Paul Victor | URBING Pierre | LEJEUNE Louise |
69. | 1897 | WEINBERGER Alphonse | WEINBERGER Charles | LEIDER Marguerite |
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